In a recent update, the social media platform Telegram has introduced some exciting new features aimed at enhancing user experience. A noteworthy aspect of this new release is the advanced reply features catered to premium users of the platform. Telegram has made chatting more streamlined with improvements to the basic reply system, customized link previews, and quote formatting features. Additionally, the Telegram stories area saw a few key updates in the latest version.
Telegram explained that the innovative reply feature allows users to select specific portions of a message for precise quoting in their replies. This feature can be accessed by simply tapping (or holding, in the case of iOS users) a message and then dragging to select the part of the text to be quoted.
Another upgrade is the ability to respond to a chat message from one conversation by posting it in another chat or channel, whether it's private or group. The recipient of the reply has the option to view the context of the original post by tapping on the reply.
Quote formatting is another improvement, allowing users to make pieces of a quote bold, italicized, and more. Users also have the flexibility to include several quotes in a single response.
The new version also allows users to personalize link previews when sharing links. Users can adjust the thumbnail size, decide where the preview appears in relation to their written message, and select which link to preview whilst sharing multiple links. The links can be accessed by tapping on the preview.
The story section of Telegram also received enhancements, especially in video playback. Users can now fast-forward or rewind video stories by simply holding and sliding their fingers on the screen. Additionally, a front flash feature with adjustable warmth and intensity has been added to enhance image or video capturing.
The platform is giving premium users an added customized touch in the update. Telegram Premium users, as well as Level 5 channel operators, can now select a custom color or combination for their account — this selected color will appear on their username, shared links, and reply messages.
Android users can access this feature by going to Settings > Chat Settings > Change Name Colour, whilst iOS users will need to venture to Settings > Appearance > Your Name Colour.
Telegram announced that they are developing more updates to continue enhancing user experience on their platform.